Nov. 17, 2015


During this presentation, Dr. Horacio Ferreira will discuss his experiences of testing wells in Mexico, in particular the use of sophisticated multiphase measurement technology.  At one stage, he almost held a monopoly of well testing for Pemex.  He will discuss both the environmental and local content experiences with Pemex in Mexico.

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Dr. Horacio Ferreira
Speaker Dr. Horacio Ferreira

Dr. Ferreira has more than than 20 years of domestic and international experience in the oil and gas industry. He is currently the President and CEO for Surpetrol Inc., an engineering company based in Houston and also serves on the Board of Directors for Ecopetrol (Colombian company). 
He has conducted research …

Dr. Ferreira has more than than 20 years of domestic and international experience in the oil and gas industry. He is currently the President and CEO for Surpetrol Inc., an engineering company based in Houston and also serves on the Board of Directors for Ecopetrol (Colombian company). 

He has conducted research in optimization of multiphase meters, underbalanced reservoir engineering, real time reservoir and production analysis, reservoir simulation and waterflood techniques with horizontal wells.

Before Surpetrol, Dr Ferreira worked for Weatherford and Roxar as team leader in reservoir engineering applications using state-of-the-art technology.  Dr. Ferreira holds MS and PHD in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M.  He has several publications in reservoir management.

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SPE-GCS International Study Group

The International Study Group's mission is to provide a forum for the Houston area SPE membership to share information on business practices and considerations, projects, and technological applications significant to the worldwide oil and gas industry. The ISG will collaborate with other Gulf Coast Section study groups to ensure maximum …

The International Study Group's mission is to provide a forum for the Houston area SPE membership to share information on business practices and considerations, projects, and technological applications significant to the worldwide oil and gas industry. The ISG will collaborate with other Gulf Coast Section study groups to ensure maximum value to the section, which is located in one of the leading international centers for the industry.

For additional information regarding this event, please contact:

SPE-GCS ISG Chair: Barry Chovanetz at 214-477-5771 or


SPE-GCS ISG Vice-Chair: Mary-Beth Snodgrass at

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Date and Time

Tue, Nov. 17, 2015

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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The Petroleum Club of Houston, 35th Floor, Total Plaza

1201 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002
United States

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Conveniently located in the heart of Downtown Houston on the top floor of 1201 Louisiana Street.

Group(s): International