April 23, 2014


The International Study Group is honored to host Brue Laws, who will be presenting on Maersk Oil’s recent international exploration and production investments. Maersk Oil is part of the A.P. Moller-Maersk group of companies, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. Turning marginal and challenging fields into commercial successes has been the cornerstone of Maersk Oil's business since 1962.  Maersk Oil focuses on pioneering technologies and harnessing talent to operate safely and successfully. Core interests include shallow water exploration and production in the North Sea and Qatar, deepwater operations in Angola, Brazil and the US, and onshore activities in Kazahkstan, Kurdistan and Algeria. Entitlement production is envisioned to increase from about 250,000 bopd to about 400,000 bopd, driven by a portfolio of major capital projects.

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Bruce Laws
Speaker Bruce Laws

Bruce Laws joined Maersk Oil in 2008 as the President of the Houston office. A member of the Maersk Oil Executive Team in Copenhagen, Bruce is responsible for activities in the U.S., Brazil and the Chissonga deepwater development project offshore Angola. Prior to joining Maersk Oil he worked exclusively in …

Bruce Laws joined Maersk Oil in 2008 as the President of the Houston office. A member of the Maersk Oil Executive Team in Copenhagen, Bruce is responsible for activities in the U.S., Brazil and the Chissonga deepwater development project offshore Angola. Prior to joining Maersk Oil he worked exclusively in the international arena with Chevron followed by Murphy Oil, including overseas assignments in Papua New Guinea, Nigeria and Angola. While with Chevron, he held positions of increasing responsibility in the development exploration and new ventures functions. As Vice-President for Latin America, Africa and Europe Operations for Murphy, his responsibilities included the world's first FDPSO which developed the Azuite field, offshore The Republic of Congo. Bruce earned a Bachelor's Degree in Geology and a Master's Degree in Geophysics from the University of California, Santa Barbara

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SPE-GCS International Study Group

The International Study Group's mission is to provide a forum for the Houston area SPE membership to share information on business practices and considerations, projects, and technological applications significant to the worldwide oil and gas industry. The ISG will collaborate with other Gulf Coast Section study groups to ensure maximum …

The International Study Group's mission is to provide a forum for the Houston area SPE membership to share information on business practices and considerations, projects, and technological applications significant to the worldwide oil and gas industry. The ISG will collaborate with other Gulf Coast Section study groups to ensure maximum value to the section, which is located in one of the leading international centers for the industry.

For additional information regarding this event, please contact:

SPE-GCS ISG Programs Chair: Mark Sokolow at 281-286-9749http://www.spegcs.org/events/2458/#"> or mark@mtsokolow-attorney.com

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Date and Time

Wed, April 23, 2014

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0600) America/Chicago

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The Petroleum Club of Houston

800 Bell; 43rd floor
Houston, TX 77002
United States

The Discovery Room at the Petroleum Club, The ExxonMobil Building, 800 Bell Street, 43rd Floor

Group(s): International