Sept. 14, 2010


This presentation examines issues with forecasting and evaluating production from unconventional gas reservoirs, such as the Barnett Shale. A key factor in economic shale-gas development is maximizing the reservoir area that is connected to the wellbore by creating a very large man-made fracture network. The fractures created in many shale-gas reservoirs are far from the classic planar model; they are large complex flow networks. For a given matrix permeability and pressure, gas production will be determined by the number and complexity of fractures created, their effective conductivity, and the ability to effectively reduce the pressure throughout the fracture network to initiate gas production. Understanding the relationship between fracture complexity, fracture conductivity, matrix permeability, and gas recovery is a fundamental challenge of shale-gas development. This presentation highlights the application of reservoir simulation to model production in shale-gas reservoirs, providing significant insights into these relationships that can improve stimulation designs, completion practices, and field development strategies. Examples from the Barnett Shale that incorporate microseismic fracture mapping and production data are used to illustrate the applications of production modeling to evaluate well performance in shale-gas reservoirs. Currently, most shale gas resources are developed using horizontal wells and thus the presentation focuses on horizontal completions. This presentation also highlights type-curve analysis techniques that aid in evaluating stimulation and completion effectiveness, providing important insights that can lead to improvements in both well productivity and ultimate recovery from shale-gas reservoirs.
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Featured Speakers

Speaker: Craig Cipolla
Speaker Craig Cipolla

Chief Engineering Advisor, Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring & Optimization

Craig is an Engineering Advisor for Schlumberger, currently focusing on the application of microseismic fracture mapping to improve stimulation designs and field development strategies.  Previous to joining Schlumberger in 2009, Craig’s most recent positions were VP of Stimulation Technology …

Chief Engineering Advisor, Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring & Optimization

Craig is an Engineering Advisor for Schlumberger, currently focusing on the application of microseismic fracture mapping to improve stimulation designs and field development strategies.  Previous to joining Schlumberger in 2009, Craig’s most recent positions were VP of Stimulation Technology for Carbo Ceramics (2008-2009) and VP of Engineering for Pinnacle Technologies (1996-2008). Craig’s 29 years of experience includes the design and evaluation of hydraulic fracturing treatments, training engineers in the use of real-time data analysis, tight gas reservoir engineering, integrated field studies, and supervising stimulation treatments.  In addition, Craig’s expertise includes the application of microseismic and tilt-meter fracture mapping technologies. Craig’s experience includes projects in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, South East Asia, North Sea, South America, Australia, Russia, and the People’s Republic of China. Prior to joining Pinnacle in 1996, Craig held positions with Union Pacific Resources, CER Corporation, and Dresser Titan. Craig has co-authored over 50 technical papers and was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer on hydraulic fracturing in 2005-2006. 

Full Description


Bernard Franklin

Date and Time

Tue, Sept. 14, 2010

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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