The SPE Gulf Coast Section governance policies and procedures may be found in the documents listed below.
- Bylaws 2011
- 2004 SPE-GCS Succession Planning
- Use of SPE Name and Logo - FAQs
- SPE Graphic Standards Guide
- Alcohol Policy 2007-08
- Conflict of Interest Statment 2007
- Posting an Event for SPE-GCS 2006
- Financial Guidelines and Authorities - Final 26Aug05
- SPEGCS Policy Summary by Subject - Mar05
- Email Policy SPE-GCS Revised Aug06
- SPE 2005 Strategic Plan
- SPE 2009 Long Range Plan
- Whistle Blower Policy
SPEI Section Operations Manual (interactive PDF)
- Deadlines for Actions by SPE Sections
- Table of Contents
- SPE Offices Overview
- Governing Statements
- Chairperson
- Programs
- Continuing Education
- Membership
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Scholarships
- Energy Education
- Student Chapters
- Young Professionals
- Communications
- Awards
- Formation of Sections
- National and Regional Councils
- Regional Topical Meetings
- Intersociety Cooperation
- Resources
SPEI Board Position Profiles - Descriptions