Dec. 13, 2022


The general subject of well integrity has been the focus of industry attention since the early-1990s. There has been much thought given to the design, testing, diagnosis and tracking of various barrier elements and barrier envelopes for new drills. This work will doubtlessly be beneficial in the future. Little attention, however, has been given to well integrity on existing wells, many of which are in the latter portion of their life cycle.

This presentation deals with issues involving work on late-life wells. Workovers, recompletions, abandonments, and re-entries of abandoned wells still require some level of well integrity to prevent leaks during the work and after they are returned to service. It is clearly too late to install original barrier systems in many wells. So, what level of well integrity is required for these jobs, and how does one ensure that sufficient well integrity exists before job initiation?

Featured Speakers

Speaker Les Skinner, PE

Les graduated in 1972 with a BS in Chemical Engineering from Texas Tech University. He has worked in the petroleum industry both as an employee and as a consultant for  50 years for independent and integrated oil companies.
Les has written numerous articles for industry publications, and he authored three full-length …

Les graduated in 1972 with a BS in Chemical Engineering from Texas Tech University. He has worked in the petroleum industry both as an employee and as a consultant for  50 years for independent and integrated oil companies.

Les has written numerous articles for industry publications, and he authored three full-length books through the Technical Publications Committee of IADC, one on well integrity for workovers and recompletions in 2020. He is currently the co-author on a fourth book on well integrity for abandonments and re-entries.

He is a member of several professional societies and associations including SPE, ICoTA, AIChE, AADE, IADC, and others. He is also a member of several industry committees including the API Recommended Practice 1170/1171, RP 90-1 revision committee (which he chaired for five years), and the ISO 16530 revision team. He is currently on the Steering Committee for the AADE Innovative and Emerging Technology group, and the Technical Committee for ICoTA.

Full Description


David Traugott ;  936-777-6204

Date and Time

Tue, Dec. 13, 2022

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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