Welcome to the SPE Energy Professionals Hiring Event! This is a great platform to meet potential employers, learn about their professional, workforce needs and network.
You must Register to attend!
22 APR 2022 - Virtual Platform Opens (Build the virtual booth, passively engage)
26 APR 2022 - Main Event - Active VIrtual Job Fair - 0900 - 1500 CDT
27 APR 2022 - Platform remains open for passive engagement and follow-up.
Requisites for participation
The event is for experienced professionals of energy and upstream oil & gas disciplines and renewable energy. To participate in the SPE Spring 2022 Energy Professionals Hiring Event, candidates must:
- Be an active professional member of either SPE or any of the professional Collaborating Organizations (click here for participating Collaborating Organizations).
- Possess a university degree equivalent to a 4-year bachelor’s degree in engineering, applied sciences or a 4-year advanced degree in a field other than science or engineering. Or, possess a 2-year science or engineering degree and technical experience working on an energy or upstream project.
- Energy and/or upstream experience. Previous full-time position in support of an energy and/or upstream discipline or project.
Please submit your professional society membership documentation to and submit your resume using this link:
Registration is mandatory and resume/CV must be submitted at least 48 hours before the event. Nearing the event, job-seekers will receive the email invitation and link to register at the Texas Workforce Commission website in order to access the Hiring Event starting on April the 21st.
Various Hiring Event entry times are available for the opportunity to meet with potential employers. Some limited Networking Suites are also available from 9:00am-3:00pm on April 26th. Networking Suites may be hosted by Collaborating Organizations and partner companies. Networking Suites are accessible via the SPE Hiring Event Booth with open-flow job-seeker participation.
We are excited that you are joining the 9th SPE Hiring Event and look forward to seeing you!
QUESTIONS? Email us at: