Oct. 12, 2021


We would like to cordially invite you to the virtual “SPE FALL 2021 ENERGY PROFESSIONALS HIRING EVENT” initiative by the Society of Petroleum Engineers – Gulf Coast Section. We are striving to provide a platform for experienced energy professionals to partner with great companies to introduce and showcase the diversity and value the energy community talent pool has to offer, whether in the oil field, renewables, aerospace, or other industries.

The SPE-GCS is partnering with other professional organizations to make this event as diverse and inclusive as possible, to be representative of the energy community.  We welcome experienced candidates from all energy disciplines to participate.

This is for the VIRTUAL FAIR ONLY

This virtual event is a great choice for local and global talent aquisition programs, as there is no need to be in the Houston region to participate, but still have access to the Houston talent pool.

Because the virtual portion of the SPE Energy Professionals Hiring Event is in partnership with Texas Workforce Solutions, company registration fees are waived for the virtual platform event.  You will still have access to the same experienced candidates’ resumes, and have a virtual booth at the event, and have the opportunity to meet with experienced candidates.  Even if your company does not have specific employee hiring needs in mind right now, you can reach out to candidates with future hiring needs that may arise.

See details on the event website here.


9 OCT 2021 - Virtual Platform Opens (Build the virtual booth, passively engage)

12 OCT 2021 - Main Event - Active VIrtual Job Fair - 0900 - 1500 CDT

13 OCT 2021 - Platform remains open for passive engagement and follow-up.


Support SPE-GCS Scholarship Endowment Fund

SPE-GCS encourages your support of the SPE-GCS Scholarship Endowment Fund. Supporting SPE-GCS raises scholarship money for our future local engineers.  SPE-GCS has been providing college scholarships for students interested in math, science, and engineering degrees since 1963. Our program has sponsored over 800 students in the 56 years that we have been awarding scholarships and we have given out over $5 million in scholarships.

Visit the Scholarship Endowment Fund for more information on how you can support SPE-GCS.  

SPE-GCS is a 501 c3 organization (tax ID 75-2001539).





SPE Gulf Coast Section Members in Transition Committee



Hiring Event Co-Chairs

Eric Gagen                         Jamie Marzonie
ejgagen@yahoo.com      jsmarzonie@att.net
(337) 578 9336                 (530) 368 0606

Date and Time

Tue, Oct. 12, 2021

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

Event has ended
View Our Refund and Cancellation Policy


Virtual, in collaboration with Texas Workforce Solutions, Platform open from 09-13 October, 2021