Jan. 1, 2030


Learn how to identify near critical fluids in your reservoir to decide production strategies.

- Design and interpret PVT tests for near critical fluids:

  • Constant Volume Depletion (CVD)
  • Constant Composition Expansion
  • Separator
  • Swelling
  • Viscosity and Interfacial Tension
  • Quality Control Tests

 - Estimate the original gas in place and the original oil in place, reserves, and future performance of retrograde gas and volatile oil reservoirs.

- Development of a Semi-Compositional Material Balance Equation for volatile and condensate systems.

- Evaluation of oil and gas in place from production and PVT data. Uses and limitations.

- Understand the impact of compositional gradients due to gravity and how to handle them in reservoir simulation.

- Develop a criteria for lumping and characterizing hypothetical components to simplify simulation. Learn from frequent lumping mistakes.

- Describe condensate banking problems and solutions:

  • Effects of reservoir heterogeneity
  • Production rates
  • Pressures


Featured Speakers

Speaker: Maria A. Barrufet
Speaker Maria A. Barrufet

Maria A. Barrufet holds the Baker Hughes Endowed Chair of Petroleum Engineering. She is the Director of Distance Learning Program in Petroleum Engineering, Assistant Department head for Administration, and an Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University.
Maria's research interests include:

Integration of capillary pressure and thermodynamics to evaluate …

Maria A. Barrufet holds the Baker Hughes Endowed Chair of Petroleum Engineering. She is the Director of Distance Learning Program in Petroleum Engineering, Assistant Department head for Administration, and an Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University.

Maria's research interests include:

  • Integration of capillary pressure and thermodynamics to evaluate properties of confined reservoir fluids.

  • Reservoir simulation of near-critical fluids. Hydrocarbon characterization methods. Simplified methods to model gravitational gradients in compositional reservoir simulation.

  • Equations of state (EOS) for multiphase equilibria. Liquid-liquid-vapor equilibrium in steam flooding processes and solid-liquid-gas equilibria in asphaltene and wax precipitation.

  • Enhanced oil recovery: thermodynamics and transport phenomena applied to chemical, miscible, and thermal recovery processes.

  • Analytical and numerical modeling of CO2 storage and capture.

  • Rock and fluid properties: correlation and measurement of capillary pressures and relative permeabilities, polymer and gel rheology for profile modification and water control.

  • Electron beam upgrading of heavy oil and radiation thermal cracking.

  • Reverse osmosis and desalination technologies to process oilfield brines.

Maria holds a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University, a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina), and a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Salta (Argentina).

Full Description


Patricia E. Carreras

Co-Chair SPE-GCS Continuing Education Committee

Date and Time

Tue, Jan. 1, 2030

8 a.m. - noon
(GMT-0500) US/Central


  • On demand recording
    (ends 01/01/2030)
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