After a slow start to the year, dealmaking went out with a bang in 2020 with several high-profile E&P mergers. With more shale consolidation on the horizon and an uptick in divestments, 2021 is shaping up to be a busy year for M&A. Companies will need to focus on integrating new assets and people while sustainably growing production and spending within cashflows.
The SPE BizDev group will host a panel to discuss M&A opportunities and challenges including:
- Key drivers in shale consolidation today
- The barriers to increased dealmaking
- Steps to successfully integrate new acquisitions
To facilitate networking, there will be a virtual networking session from 3:30-4:00 PM followed by the panel from 4:00-5:00 PM, with an additional networking session afterwards.
Note: This event will be a virtual webinar. Registrants will be provided with login information ahead of the event.