Digitizing Wellbore with Permanent Reservoir Monitoring and Flow Control : Is there a value?

Nov. 11, 2020


The digital transformation brought about by edge computing, real-time surveillance, and high-speed interpretation has reduced reaction times, increased data value, and improved operating efficiency. Drilling a well to target depth does not guarantee maximum oil production. Challenges include early gas or water breakthrough, poor sweep, well integrity failures, lack of downhole data, and the need for interventions. New technologies for permanent monitoring of pressure, temperature, and distributed temperature and acoustic data have created a step change in hydrocarbon asset management, especially when combined with the range of choices available for downhole flow control. The next step of rapid automated downhole control for production optimization is now a reality. With the right technology, hybrid data analytics and model-based workflows can significantly enhance production while minimizing interventions.

This digital evolution of the past decade is discussed and several case studies are presented, encompassing a wide range of applications and well types. The economic value of digital wells is demonstrated through outcomes that include increased recovery, reduced production deferment, better reservoir management, optimized hydraulic fracturing, and surface seismic depth correction. An analysis of the savings generated by deploying intelligent completions in various well profiles is also presented.

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Varma Gottumukkala
Speaker Varma Gottumukkala

Varma Gottumukkala is a Principal Production and Reservoir Engineer with Schlumberger in Houston. He has a Master's degree in Petroleum Engineering from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and more than 17 years of oilfield experience in numerous countries, including Algeria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the US. His …

Varma Gottumukkala is a Principal Production and Reservoir Engineer with Schlumberger in Houston. He has a Master's degree in Petroleum Engineering from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and more than 17 years of oilfield experience in numerous countries, including Algeria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the US. His main areas of focus are artificial lift, intelligent completions, production, reservoir engineering, and digital oil fields. In his current role, Varma is responsible for creating a coordinated strategy to address operator challenges and optimize production by transforming well completions through automation and digitization. The scope of this strategy extends from equipment selection and deployment to monitoring performance throughout the life of the well. Varma’s work on a proprietary real-time intelligent completion software won Schlumberger the Hart Energy 2018 Meritorious Award for Engineering Innovation in the category Intelligent Systems and Components.

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Completions and Production Study Group

Date and Time

Wed, Nov. 11, 2020

noon - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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