Offshore drilling continues to be extremely cost intensive where $50-million wells are not uncommon. This paper discusses lessons learned and potential benefits from a comprehensive analysis of
From a more detailed trouble-time analysis of the wells, major drilling problems were found to be well-pressure related (lost circulation, well control, stuck pipe), supporting increased emphasis on improved planning and quantification of ECD, deepwater geopressures, and drilling margins. The BCT/BCC methodology is actually one element of the “Ten-Step Process” discussed exhaustively in Refs. 1 and 2. Experiences from two onshore areas so far have been very encouraging in drilling cost reduction. Applications to more complicated offshore GOM wellbores, cost components, and narrow geo-pressure margins are the focus of this paper.
Note: Registration to attend this meeting should be done through either the GCS-SPE Drilling Study Group (OR) the AADE Houston Chapter, but not both.