Transient data is rich in information about the dynamic characteristics of the well/reservoir system. Sustained development in this area is necessitated by three factors: (1) changes in the types of reservoirs we produce (e.g. conventional, unconventional) and their stages of recovery (e.g., primary, secondary), (2) new tools (e.g. formation testers, permanent downhole gauges), and (3) advances in solution techniques (e.g., use of computers, deconvolution).
The aim of this presentation is to update the audience about the increased capabilities of Pressure and Rate Transient analyses (PTA and RTA respectively) and how to use them to optimize reservoir management.
Practical applications will be discussed including: characterizing unconventional reservoirs, using machine learning in PTA / RTA applications, determining permeability and fluid saturations under multi-phase flow conditions, combining single and multi-well tests to characterize the reservoir anisotropy, and calculating the average reservoir pressure under non-uniform production and boundary conditions.