Feb. 27, 2019


To effectively drain hydrocarbon from unconventional plays, operators have been optimizing their drilling spacing unit (DSU) well spacing for many years. This presentation illustrates a continuous improvement of Bakken well spacing using trial pads with smaller spacing and multidisciplinary data gathering to understand the most effective spacing between wells. The operator’s standard well spacing between Middle Bakken (MB) wells in the East Nesson (EN) area [Alger Field] ranges from 500 to 700 ft. To understand the optimum spacing between wells in this area, the operator trialed well spacing of 500 ft between like formations. The spacing between Middle Bakken and Three Forks wells was 250 ft. Data gathered during the spacing trial included microseismic, microseismic depletion delineation (MDD), radioactive (RA) tracers, chemical tracers, image logs, pressure measurements during completion/flowback/early-time production, and diagnostic fracture injection tests (DFITs). The data was used to calibrate advanced hydraulic fracture models and guide next-generation reservoir simulation history matching to characterize multi-well production behavior.

Featured Speakers

Speaker Craig Cipolla

As a Senior Engineering Advisor, Craig provides hydraulic fracturing, completions, and reservoir engineering support to HESS business units worldwide. Craig’s current focus is the development of unconventional resources, optimizing completions and well spacing. His expertise in includes hydraulic fracturing, geomechanics/geophysics, and reservoir engineering. Craig has co-authored over 70 technical papers …

As a Senior Engineering Advisor, Craig provides hydraulic fracturing, completions, and reservoir engineering support to HESS business units worldwide. Craig’s current focus is the development of unconventional resources, optimizing completions and well spacing. His expertise in includes hydraulic fracturing, geomechanics/geophysics, and reservoir engineering. Craig has co-authored over 70 technical papers and was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer on hydraulic fracturing in 2005-2006. He was the recipient of the SPE International Completion Optimization and Technology Award in 2013. He has served on organizing committees for and chaired numerous SPE conferences, workshops, and forums and is currently serving on the organizing/technical committee for the URTeC and SPE HFTC.

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Ehsan Davani

Program Chair of SPE-GCS Completions and Production Study Group




Options Scholarship Fund

Date and Time

Wed, Feb. 27, 2019

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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