A Frac Hit or Frac Interference is the communication between a newly drilled well during its completion phase and the existing producing wells. Frac hits have been observed and documented in industry for many years although their impacts to well integrity, production rates and ultimate recovery were not well recognized until more recently. With the rapid adoption of long horizontal, multiple fracture stage wellbores spaced ever closer together and completed with ever increasing water and sand volumes, the rate of occurrence and ultimate impact of Frac Hits have grown significantly.
This presentation describes a fully bounded, 9 well infill campaign was executed within BHP's Eagle Ford asset and the surrounding 11 wells were pre-loaded prior to the infill frac. 10 of 11 pre-loads were successfully executed, while all wells were successfully managed for well integrity and came back online following the infill frac at production rates at or above shut-in rates. The trial results have directly led to the development of BHP's Standard Practice Frac Hit Mitigation technique used at all of its Shale Oil assets.
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