March 23, 2018



Event Description:

Join us for an interactive tour of Newpark Technolgy Center, a home to the industry’s one-of-a-kind Downhole Simulation Cell (DSC). 

Newpark Drilling Fluids provides drilling fluid products and technical services globally. Drilling projects involving complex subsurface conditions, such as horizontal, directional, or deepwater drilling require constant monitoring and critical engineering support.

The Newpark Technology Center is home to the industry’s one-of-a-kind Downhole Simulation Cell (DSC). The DSC is a device that returns preserved core samples to in situ temperatures and pressures, and circulates a potential drilling fluid while drilling with a microbit.

The DSC allows its users to observe drilling fluid system performance in simulated real-world conditions. This unique technology used in the development of proprietary products and systems allow for application-specific drilling fluids designed to optimize drilling performance through enhanced wellbore stability in specific geologies. By allowing researchers to observe, measure, and evaluate formations under actual downhole conditions, test results from the DSC provide guidance for fluid optimization.









Meeting Agenda

11:00 -11:30 am: Check-in/Networking

11:30 - 12:30 pm: Presentation/Discussion

12:30 - 2:00 pm: Drilling Fluids Simulated Performance Tour

Registration & Walk-ins 

All attendees are encouraged to register and pay online for this event. Walk-in's will be available for $30 per person.

PLEASE NOTE:  $5 has automatically been added to the registration price as a donation to the SPE-GCS Scholarship Fund.  If you would like to opt out of donating this amount to the SPE-GCS Scholarship Fund, please enter OptOut in the Discount Code field and click Check Discount to apply the code. The code is case sensitive.


A complimentary visistors parking is in the front of the building. 

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Mike Redburn
Speaker Mike Redburn

Mike Redburn serves as the Engineering Manager for New Technology for Newpark Drilling Fluids. In this role, Mr. Redburn is committed to the growth of Newpark as the Technology leader in the drilling fluids space through the accelerated adoption of our Evolution technologies and the advancement of Newpark’s deepwater strategy.
Mr. …

Mike Redburn serves as the Engineering Manager for New Technology for Newpark Drilling Fluids. In this role, Mr. Redburn is committed to the growth of Newpark as the Technology leader in the drilling fluids space through the accelerated adoption of our Evolution technologies and the advancement of Newpark’s deepwater strategy.

Mr. Redburn served as a Mechanical Design Engineer within the automotive and medical industry where a major focus was in process improvement and machine design. Overseeing multiple significant product lines improving operations by implementing his focus on statistical improvements.

Michael Redburn earned a B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ferris State University in and a MBA degree from Colorado State University.  Mr. Redburn also has certificates in Six Sigma and project management.

Full Description


Eric Regel:

Date and Time

Fri, March 23, 2018

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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Newpark Drilling Fluids

21920 Merchants Way
Katy, TX 77449
United States