April 13, 2017


We greatly appreciate your interest in this event.  At this time, however, we are sold-out and there are no seats available.  We hope that we will see you at the next EOR Forum planned for early November.


The EOR Forum is intended to bring together seasoned EOR practitioners with EOR newcomers to share experiences, new ideas, and lessons learned. The format of the forum is focused on discussion of topics that are of interest to those who work with EOR technology development and implementation. There are many senior experts with experience(s) that often go unpublished, and who are also able to reflect upon their experience to offer sound advice. Unfortunately, some of these individuals are leaving industry. This could create a widening gap in the EOR knowledge base, similar to that experienced in the 90’s. Moreover, capturing different opinions in this forum could provide new perspectives. Our intention is to accomplish these goals at the first GCS EOR Forum.

We would be pleased to see you here to partake in the discussions.

The Gulf Coast Section EOR Forum Organizing Committee

Dr. Birol Dindoruk, Dr. Reza Fassihi, Dr. Dimitrios Hatzignatiou, Dr. George Hirasaki, Dr. Konstantinos Kostarelos, Dr. José Luis Mogollón, Dr. Mohammad Tabatabaei, Dr. Ganesh Thakur


8:00 – 9:00 am            Registration

9:00 – 9:10 am            Welcome and safety moment

9:10 – 10:40am           Topic 1: What are the key data/parameters needed to plan a successful EOR project? 

10:40 – 11:00              Student poster session and coffee break

11:00 – 12:30 pm        Topic 2: Why don’t we see more pilot and full-scale EOR projects – other than CO2 flooding?

12:30 – 1:30pm           Lunch

1:30 – 3:00pm             Topic 3: EOR for Unconventionals

3:00 – 3:20 pm            Student poster session and coffee break

3:20 – 4:50pm             Topic 4: Is a new chemical EOR paradigm needed?

5:00 – 6:00pm             Social networking event



Dr. Konstantinos Kostarelos

View this event's webpage »

Date and Time

Thu, April 13, 2017

8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
(GMT-0500) US/Central

View Our Refund and Cancellation Policy


University Center South, Ballroom at the University of Houston (main campus)

Houston, TX
United States

Group(s): SPE Newsletter