Scaling mainly in the form of CaCO3 and/or Fe2S has been a major issue for almost all of OXY’s vertical and horizontal wells in the North New Mexico area and the Yeso formation (carbonates). In the past scaling squeezes with scale inhibitors have given inconsistent results in mitigating scale deposition. Several wells need to be treated regularly to maintain their productivity and the associated costs are significant. Additionally, the evidence of paraffin problems and potentially perforation/fracture closure due to gel residues created the need of a new, more efficient approach that can drastically target these problems.
The OXY North New Mexico asset team, has developed a new methodology which has successfully been applied in more than 20 vertical wells. The new procedure consists of a combination of chemicals and acid treatments that can significantly reduce the scaling and recover the productivity of the wells. The results over the past 1.5 years are very encouraging and the treated wells showed an average incremental oil rate increase of 630% while the projects are paying out within the first month of production after treatment.