Refracs can be a formidable tool in challenging commodity price environments if proper steps are taken to evaluate the cost benefit. Remedial treatments such as refracs; have long been a tool to generate revenue in the service industry in times like these. We have seen good production improvement in many cases, but without proper due diligence these efforts may not be economic in the current business environment. Remedial production enhancements are not limited to hydraulic fracturing, but include scale and sludge removal as well as artificial lift. This talk will focus on hydraulic fracturing.
Each candidate must be evaluated on a well by well basis to help ensure economic success.
The original hydraulic fracturing treatment and reservoir assumptions must be evaluated prior to any refrac program to understand the cost benefit. In some cases it may be a good idea to embark on a refracturing program to help protect wells from ensuing frac hit from adjacent wells. This will help prevent fracture damage from possible offset well frac hits and aid in frac growth in the child well.
Each refrac program may have a unique set of circumstances that will determine the proper approach.