The Reservoir Technology Forum is the annual event hosted by the SPE Gulf Coast Section Reservoir Study Group designed to disseminate knowledge and technology needed to achieve the many objectives of reservoir management, including understanding risk, increasing production and reserves, and maximizing recovery. This year, we focus our attention on technical and practical aspects related to technology and innovation, unconventional resources, integrated reservoir characterization studies and challenges and opportunities of the low oil price enviroment. This Forum is also a great opportunity to network with oil and gas industry professionals in an engaging and dynamic environment. Please join the SPE-GCS Reservoir Study Group for this event!
1 – Integrated Reservoir Characterization
Birol Dindoruk, Shell, Reservoir Fluid Properties (PVT) and Phase Equilibria: What Fluid Data You Need for Integration and When?
Kevin Fisher, Schlumberger, Integration from Multiple Disciplines in Horizontal Well Evaluations to Increase Production in Organic Rich Shales
2 – Production Forecast and Reserve Estimation in Unconventional Reservoirs
Jim Gilman, iReservoir, Unconventional Reservoir Model Predictions Using Massively-Parallel GPU Flow-Simulation
David Fulford, Apache, Machine Learning for Production Forecasting: Accuracy Through Uncertainty
Rod Sidle, Energy Navigator, Reserves Categorization in Unconventional PDP Wells – What to Consider
Keynote Luncheon
Jordan Hixson, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Anadarko Mozambique - Portrait of a World Class Gas Resource
3 – Emerging Technologies to Improve Recovery Efficiency
Benjamin Ramirez, Shell, Optimization of Well Locations: A Robust Approach
Praveen Singh, BP, Waterflood Sweep Improvement at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Srikanta Mishra, Battelle Institute, Data-Driven Modeling for Reservoir Management: Premises, Promises, Perils
4 – Challenges and Opportunities of the Low Oil Price Environment
Elizabeth DeStephens, California Resources Corporation, Survivor: Office Edition - Avoid the Capability Trap and Increase Productivity in this Low Margin Environment
Samantha Holroyd, Denham Capital, Investment Perspectives
Kevin Smith, Raymond James Energy Investment Bank, Overview of Oil and Gas Markets
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Join Energy Navigator:Post-Forum Reception at the Woodlands Marriott
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