A general poroelastic modeling framework (MULTIFRAC) was used to analyze and integrate field pressure, rate, micro-seismic, tracer and production data. It is shown that pressure data obtained during fracturing can be used as a diagnostic tool to study fracture interference. After the model has been calibrated and validated with field data, it can be used to perform pad-scale simulations to determine optimum fracture spacing and well spacing while properly accounting for both mechanical and poroelastic stress interference effects. Simulations were run to analyze the impact of important geological properties and fracture design parameters. These simulations can be used for making operational decisions for drilling (well spacing, infill drilling), production (avoiding frac hits) and completion (frac spacing, sand volumes, fluids, sequencing) for a particular geological environment.
Fluid selection and flowback control are shown to influence the performance of pad-fraced wells. Our ability to efficiently flow back both frac water and reservoir liquids is a key to good well performance. Simulations and field performance data are used to show how this flowback is controlled by fluid selection, flowback choke control and wellbore trajectory. Simulations are run using a coupled wellbore-reservoir flow model (PFF) and a reservoir simulator and to select the appropriate wellbore trajectory and predict the clean-up and performance of wells completed toe-up and toe-down.
All professionals are welcome to attend this event. There are 5 slots available for students/unemployed at discounted pricing. Please contact the organizing committee if you are interested. The slots will be given on a first-come first-serve basis.
All walk-ins will be $30.