Hess Corporation began its comprehensive lean journey in 2010 as a way to improve its ability to find and produce shale oil and gas safely, efficiently, and responsibly within the Bakken formation in North Dakota. By approaching the operation as a well factory and developing lean thinking throughout the team, the company has shown remarkable improvements in the areas of well development, safety, lead time, and cost. Since then, Hess has expanded its lean deployment throughout its assets in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia and is seeing similar results. Although the application of lean within an organization can achieve significant improvements in safety, production, and cost, these results will be short lived without a transformation in thinking throughout the organization. Hess has addressed this by driving lean from the company’s 2020 Vision all the way to the wellhead and the work performed every day. This presentation will cover the Hess approach to lean within an oil and gas operation, including some of the roadblocks and results experienced so far in the journey.