Sponsor: Barclays
An unfortunate outcome of the prolonged slump in oil and gas prices is that a number of E&P companies and MLP’s have, or soon will have, filed for bankruptcy. We have already seen a wide spectrum of filings, from the neat and tidy pre-package deals where the legal crank is turning rather quickly to the wide open filings where the ultimate outcome of property sales or reorganization will involve a long and difficult road. Potential acquirers can range from asset level purchasers to those after the whole company via acquisition of controlling debt. Some bankruptcies are raising new and impactful issues such as the ability to terminate – or not – midstream contracts conceived at $100 bbl or how might tax impacts ‘flow through” an MLP. Mr. Clark will walk us through the bankruptcy process while additional speakers will provide feedback on the process from an operator’s perspective.
Please join us on May 25th at 5pm at the Four Seasons Hotel in Houston as our excellent speakers show us both the opportunities and the pitfalls of pursuing acquisitions associated with the bankruptcy process.
*SEASON PASS HOLDERS: You do not need to register for this event, as your Season Pass has automatically registered you for all 2015 – 2016 Business Development events. Thank you for being a Season Pass Holder!
Mark your calendar for the remainder of the 2015 -2016 Season: June 22 (New!)