Russell Gold, a brilliant and dogged investigative reporter at The Wall Street Journal, has spent more than a decade reporting on one of the biggest stories of our time: the spectacular, world-changing rise of “fracking.”
Mr. Gold will share the untold stories of the rise of this technology and insights from the frontlines of the fracking debate. It is a story with an incredible cast of tycoons and geologists, dreamers and drillers, speculators and skeptics, a story that answers a critical question of our time: Where will the energy come from to power our world—and what price will we have to pay for it?
Fracking has become a divisive political lightning rod. Opponents heap criticisms upon it without offering alternatives. Industry supporters all too often will rush to its defense without acknowledging its shortcomings.
The debate between this once-obscure oilfield technology’s vociferous critics and fervent defenders has obscured the actual story: Fracking has become a fixture of the American landscape and the global economy. It has upended the business models of energy companies around the globe, and it has started to change geopolitics and global energy markets in profound ways.
Registration & Walk-ins
All attendees are encouraged to register and pay online for this event. This is a more efficient means of registering for the event and enables the registration process at the meeting to move much faster. Walk-in space is available on a seat limited basis at a fee $5 more than the on-line registration fee.