External stakeholders increasingly expect companies to demonstrate that they are respecting people’s human rights. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are reflected in business standards ranging from IFC Requirements and the Equator Principles to OECD Standards for Multinational Corporations. There are also increasing regulatory disclosure requirements for companies in national law and there is a proposal to create a binding international treaty. Want to know what all the noise is about? Don’t know where to get started? Want to know what human rights has to do with business?
This webinar is an opportunity to hear from three experts and further understand elements of business respect for human rights. Ursula Wynhoven, the General Counsel as well as the Chief, Governance and Social Sustainability for the United Nations Global Compact, will review the international framework for business and human rights with an emphasis on expectations of and opportunities for companies in the extractive sector. An illustration will be provided of evolving expectations and opportunities relating to business engagement with Indigenous Peoples. Yadaira Orsini, Senior Programme Officer for Latin America at International Alert, will share her experience with conflict sensitive business practice with some highlights on case studies. Nili Safavi, Human Rights Expert at BP, will conclude the webinar with insights on implementing business and human rights internally, speaking from her own perspective as well as that of IPIECA, the oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues.