With the increased water usage utilized for unconventional development the consumptive use of water is a concern for many in our industry. This presentation will discuss:
{1} current water sourcing and treatment practices across some prominent US basins/plays,
{2} what some basin specific challenges are, and
{3} what trends & solutions look to be promising in terms of technology, but also economics & feasibility, and
{4} who some of the leading players are in implementing them.
The talk will also touch on the best practices for utilization of alternate water sources with high total dissolved solids for both cross link and slick water frac needs for completion.
A technical and economic evaluation of the three basic approaches that include water treatment, bulk mixing with fresh water as well as modification of high TDS fluids, will be presented in an effort to educate regarding the best practices for sustainable development.
Registration & Walk-ins
All attendees are encouraged to register and pay online for this event. This is a more efficient means of registering for the event and enables the registration process at the meeting to move much faster. Walk-in space is available on a seat limited basis at a fee $5 more than the on-line registration fee.