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Gamma transmission has proven to be a reliable technology to determine the integrity of subsea structures. Using more advanced detector technology, deposition or blockages within subsea pipelines can be mapped and effective remediation plans put into place to minimize costs. Recent advances in the resolution of sub-sea scanning allows a more detailed determination of subsea pipeline deposits or presence of pipeline wall defects. The technology is very similar to a medical cat scan. In the case of flow assurance, the use of the enhanced images allows the operator to gain a better understanding of the nature of the deposition at a particular location. When measuring defects in pipeline walls, this technology is able to identify inner, outer and mid wall defects as well as general wall loss in coated or uncoated pipelines. The technology can be applied to the external wall of un-piggable pipelines as part of necessary inspection programs or allows critical inspection information on piggable pipelines without production loss and eliminating the risk of a stuck pig.