This course provides both an overview of water management and an in-depth
look at critical issues related to sourcing (acquiring), reusing, recycling, and
disposing of water in hydraulic fracturing operations. The course starts with a
background of hydraulic fracturing operations and the different plays around
North America. Options being used for transport, storage, reuse, and disposal
are described for each of the different regions. The water management practices
being used in the different regions are described and explained in terms of
regional climate, type of shale and hence type of fracturing fluids being used,
and the regional regulatory framework.
Fluid characteristics are then described. The unique features of hydraulic
fracturing fluids are given and compared to those of conventional oil and gas
and fluids from other industries such as starch manufacture, pulp and paper, and
food and beverage. Throughout the course, field experiences, practical issues,
and field performance of equipment is presented.
Topics Include:
- Bacterial and scaling control
- Pre-treatment and desalination
- Why certain technologies work well and others do not
- Which technologies are suitable for which kind of fluid
- Costs to use various technologies at well sites, well pads and clusters, and
in centralized facilities - Lessons learned and best practices are presented for essentially all phases
of the water management life cycle - Costs to use various technologies at well sites, well pads and clusters, and
in centralized facilities
Why You Should Attend
Water treating is becoming increasingly important for maintaining the license
to operate, as a component of DBOO project delivery, and for developing IOR/EOR
Who Should Attend
This course is intended for process, facilities, and chemical engineers
involved in either design or troubleshooting water-treating systems. Both
on-shore and offshore facilities are presented.