This course gives an overview of the oil recovery processes that involves the use of polymer, surfactant, alkaline, and combination of them. The course gives a review of reservoir engineering fundamentals and describes the principles for variety of chemical enhanced oil recovery processes. Screening guidelines are discussed for each method.
Day One - Review of Fundamentals
- Chemical EOR Overview
- Areal sweep efficiency
- Heterogeneity and vertical sweep
- Residual phase saturations
Mobility and Profile Control Methods
- Polymers and their properties
- Polymer flood design
- Laboratory screening
- Field results
- Reservoir simulators for polymer flooding
Day Two - Surfactant Methods
- Surfactants
- Surfactant-brine-oil phase behavior
- Physical properties
- Capillary de-saturation and oil mobilization
- Alkaline flooding - Alkaline/surfactant/polymer (ASP)
- Laboratory screening
- Field examples
- Reservoir simulators for surfactant flooding
- Course wrap-up
To review the reservoir engineering fundamentals and teach principles common to Chemical EOR processes. Some elementary but practical calculations for EOR processes are illustrated. An introduction of screening guidelines for Chemical EOR methods is provided along with some field examples for each process.
1.6 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) awarded for this 2-day course.