SPE provided the University of Houston, College of Technology funding and a great amount of time and effort in support of a project entitled “Real—Time Optimization Workflows in Production Operations and Their Impact on IT Integration”. The final report on the workflow documentation (179 pages) project is in the shared documents folder under the "University of Houston Project" folder at
The TIG has been working on with the University of Houston and SPE Digital Energy Technical Section on this project for over a year. The content is also on a wiki at . This has been a long term project involving two workshops. The resulting document will form the basis for this workshop whose objectives are:
1. Familiarize attendees with workflow documentation tools and techniques.
2. Demonstrate how these tools can be used in the development of a generic production operation workflow
3. Familiarize attendees with production operations and some of the challenges/opportunities for value creation associated with production operations
4. Help to determine industry’s level of interest to create a textbook from the material and fund future projects.
The current agenda for the one day workshop (9 am to 4 pm) is:
1. Presentation: Introductions & Overview of the Workshop
2. Presentation: Presentation: JVPR Background & Analysis of Interoperability of Data Sharing
3. Activity #1: Defining Workflows; Tool: Affinity Diagrams
4. Break
5. Team Reports/Group Discussion
6. Presentation: Workflow Documentation & Improvement Methodology
7. Lunch
8. Activity #2: Project Findings; Tool: Swim-lane Diagrams (show ours as example)
9. Team Reports/Group Discussion
10. Presentation: Project Findings (show our sequence diagrams and summarize recommendations for improvement); Tool: Sequence Diagrams (show ours)
11. Break
12. Activity #3: Improving Production Operations (link to previous activity); Tool: Affinity Diagrams
13. Team Reports/Group Discussion
14. Discussion: Future directions
To sign up for the Workshop, please go to the following website:
Deadline for course registration: Monday, November 2nd, 2009.
Best regards,
Kemal Farid
Charles Crawley
Co-Chairs, SPE RTO TIG