The instructors will discuss all of the important facets of the reservoir modeling process. Important factors that can dramatically impact the model results are emphasized. Specific topics include Data Acquisition, Fluid Properties, Rock-Fluid Interaction, Grid Construction, History Matching and Prediction Cases. These and other topics will help the attendees better understand how to plan and conduct a reservoir simulation study and how to review a study conducted by someone else. Although there will be no direct computer related activities, time throughout the two-days is reserved for discussion of case studies that were previously models conducted by the instructors. Attendees are also encouraged to bring materials and data (non-confidential) relating to a potential project that they may be involved with in the future; and as time permits, the class as a group (or groups, guided by the instructors) will brainstorm and discuss the approach to be taken to achieve the desired study objectives.
Topics Covered within the Short Course
• General Overview