Web Ad Pricing & Specs
Reach and Frequency:
The website averages over 42,000 visitors to the homepage each month. There are 8 sponsorship spots available each month on our homepage.
Advertisement Rates:
- 12 Months: $ 2,500.00
- 6 Months : $ 1,600.00
- 3 Months : $ 900.00
Advertisement Specifications:
- File Types Accepted: JPG, GIF, BMP
- Static images only, no animated GIFs or Flash.
- Pixel Width: 120
- Pixel Height: 91
- Maximum File Size: 20K
- Resolution: 72 dpi
- Target URLs: One target URL accepted
Reach and Frequency:
On average each month, there are 22 events featured on the SPE-GCS calendar. Each event averages approximately 39 people, but varies depending on the size of the venue and type of event.
Event Advertisement Rates:
- 1 Event: $ 200.00
We offer a 10% discount on a 6 month committment and a 15% discount with a 12 month committment.
Event Advertisement Specifications:
- File Types Accepted: JPG, GIF, BMP
- Static images only, no animated GIFs or Flash.
- Pixel Width: 120
- Pixel Height: 91
- Maximum File Size: 20K
- Resolution: 72 dpi
- Target URLs: One target URL accepted
Note: If ads are bought for a study group or committee by month, we reserve the right to feature corporate sponsors for any individual event.