Contact Information

  • Peter Douglas
    (832) 475-8378


I am an attention-oriented accounting and data engineering professional with experience handling clients in dynamic environments. Through seven years of client satisfaction experience in the restaurant industry and three years as a teacher's aide (and later graduate assistant) for courses including Business Statistics and Data Warehousing, the value of strong communication and organizational skills has been instilled into me. Additionally, my training in the accounting field at UNT, as a graduate of the BBA program in Accounting, and the data analytics field, as a graduate of the MS program in Business Analytics, has prepared me to assist in the audit, analysis, and management of data, primarily focusing on real-world applications. Finally, strong fundamentals regarding researching accounting treatments for specific industries and assisting in the peer review process, were instilled through my work evaluating companies at UNT with the Student Investment Group (S.I.G.) as a Junior Financial Analyst, as well as through my studies at UNT through both of my completed degrees.
My research and former studies while in UNT's Information Assurance PhD program additionally provided the ability to audit and advise individuals and organizations regarding best practices for their IT infrastructure's longevity and security.


Houston, TX

Awards and Certifications

77-728: MOS: Microsoft Office Excel 2016 Expert: Interpreting Data for Insights
- Certiport ID: Hn6U-XMYT


Database Administration, Data Analytics, Data Warehousing, Hadoop, Linux, MariaDB, MySQL, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, Python 3, SQL, SQLite3


University of North Texas
-M.S. in Business Analytics
2019 - 2021 GPA: 3.7
-B.B.A. in Accounting
2016-2019 GPA: 3.1