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2011 Reservoir Forum Presentations 

2012 Reservoir Forum Presentations


Mission Statement

Our purpose is to serve as a forum for Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists to network and disseminate the knowledge and technology needed to achieve the many objectives of Reservoir Management, including understanding risk, increasing production and reserves, and maximizing recovery.

Study Group Board Liaison:  Rob Bruant


Position Name Phone
Chair Jose Villa 281-544-2612
Vice Chair Sunil Lakshminarayanan 713-693-4033
Program Chair Kishor Pitta 713-366-5045
Treasurer Elizabeth DeStephens 713-840-3008
Publicity Chair Mikes Palke 713-750-5490
Arrangements/Registration Chair Charles Wagner 713-296-6093
Special Events/Activities Co-Chair Liaqat Ali
Meghdad Roshanfekr
Development/Membership Chair Isaac Tapia 713-278-5284
Past Chair - Member Fady Chaban 713-496-5795
Member Eric Laine 281-347-2298
Member/Publicity/VIT Jesse Akande 281-496-1249
Board Liaison Lucy King 713-369-9017