Safety & Environment
Mission Statement
The objective of the Environment and Safety Study Group is to present relevant, technical topics and share best practices, emerging issues and current events for the purpose of education and technical development among peers.
Study Group Liaison: Robert Bruant
Position | Name | Phone |
Chair | Trey Shaffer | 281-600-1016 |
Vice Chair | James Robinson | 713-372-1325 |
Secretary/Treasurer | Christa Henager | 281-600-1090 |
Publicity | Virginia Lee | 281-285-4267 |
Logistics | Gaurav Sharma | 281-544-4381 |
Leadership Committee | Nina McAfee | 713-996-7057 |
Leadership Committee | Angelo Pinheiro | 713-296-3820 |
Leadership Committee | Jeffrey Cline | 713-806-9067 |