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Josh Fink – Completions Engineer, Consultant at Noble Energy


  • The Woodlands High School - 1999
  • Texas Tech University, BS in Petroleum Engineering, Summa Cum Laude

The Gulf Coast Chapter SPE scholarship I received provided the support needed to focus on my education, and develop my professional skills, without the burden of full-time work during the semesters.  This was a huge factor in achieving a perfect GPA (4.0), and allowing me to serve in the Texas Tech SPE student chapter, including holding office as Vice President my senior year.  It also helped to bridge the gap, for me, versus legacy students whose families were already in the industry, benefiting from numerous contacts and industry exposure.  The SPE Gulf Coast chapter also provided my first internship opportunity and an introduction to the industry.  Winning the first ever SPE Petro-bowl is one of my fondest memories from college. 

I dedicated my first 5 years working at BP as a deep-water completions engineer, specializing in sand control design and execution.  I was then selected by a small, onshore private-equity 'start up' company to be one of two engineers to build their un-conventional play completion program.  With a mere 7 years of full-time experience, I then hired on be a consultant in deep-water completions for a mid-cap company (Noble Energy, Inc).  I've relished working international assignments, spanning 5 continents and some of the biggest wells and in the world, savoring an extremely rewarding career (both professionally and monetarily!).  My advice to students: there is no substitute for hard work, and get involved in your student chapter every year.  The habits, knowledge and thinking skills gained will be your foundation, putting you in control of a rewarding career.  Maximize your internships to get familiar with every discipline and company type – it’s the best time to experience a diverse range of cultures in a short time frame.  Do your homework, and don’t ever miss an opportunity to ask a question; you are only hurting yourself if you don't.  Please contact me at