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  • Klein High School - 2007
  • Texas A&M University - College Station, BS in Petroleum Engineering

My favorite college memory is that I enjoyed learning from some of the world's most respected PE professors.  Upon graduation, I chose to hold out on accepting job offers from service companies in the hope that an operator could be found, in hindsight a good idea given the events the past 2 years.  I waited 3 long months before finding a great match in an independent operator with a job all the way out in sunny California. Since accepting that job, I have moved through the ranks and jumped disciplines resulting in a transfer back home to Houston, Texas.  I now hold a growing supervisory role in the company.   I helped to run the SPE Texas A&M student chapter football tailgate as the lead on the BBQ committee for 2 years.  It was an excellent networking opportunity, plus as a poor college student, all that BBQ was a major perk. I was unusual in that from the outset I aspired to be a Petroleum Engineer.  The SPE-GCS scholarship certainly made that goal somewhat more attainable from a financial standpoint. My advice to current students is that the Freshman year in an engineering program is no joke; they separate the wheat from the chaff quickly.   Maintain discipline to keep your scholarship.