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Connect Archives          Connect Submission Guidelines     Additional Guidelines    

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Connect Archives 

PDF Documents of the Newsletter. File sizes may exceed 10-20 MB.




January January January
February February February
March March March
April April April
May May May
June June June
July July Annual Report
August August August
September September September
October October October
November November November
December December December




January January January
February February February
March March March
April April April
May May May
June June June
July July July
August August August
September September September
October October October
November November November
December December December




January January January
February February February
March March March
April April April
May May May
June June June
July July July
August August August
September September September
October October October
November November November
December December December


Updated Connect Submission Guidelines

Please take note of the following reminders and updated submission guidelines:

1. Please submit content within the submission window, from the 20th to the 25th of each month.

As a new guideline, we are requesting that submissions not be sent early as this often creates confusion with content for the current issue. Likewise, it is very important that submissions are received by the 25th deadline. The schedule for a monthly publication is very tight, and layout often begins on the 25th. Submissions not received within the 5 day window may not be accepted.

2. Please do not send partial or incomplete submissions.

We do our best to work with minor changes or updates to submissions (i.e. location details or speaker photos). However, submissions should be sent in a single email containing the completed submission form and any relevant attachments.

3. Please remember to include your committee or study group name (and page number if applicable) in every correspondence, including submissions.

Making this information clear in the subject line (example: June submission - Northside SG) helps us more efficiently process submissions and also helps to ensure that all contributors receive the V1 draft for review.

Additional Connect Submission Guidelines

  1. Use the submission form above.
  2. Honor the word count.
  3. Most content (Committee events, monthly columns, photos for event recaps…) should be submitted to Karin Gonzalez at
  4. Study Group submissions should be submitted to Kristie Urbano at Please cc
  5. Photos (speaker photos or event recap)
    • Separate attachments (do not embed in an email or Word Doc)
    • Link to an online album (Flickr, Dropbox)
    • Max 20 photos per event
    • JPEG format, minimum resolution 300dpi
  6. Please designate one primary person of contact for your committee or SG for newsletter communications and submissions.
  7. If you have questions regarding submissions, please contact Karin Gonzalez at or Kristie Urbano at