International: Unbiased View of Potential for North America Gas Exports

Before 2008, North America was on a natural gas treadmill. Available supply was
being rationed - industrial consumers were leaving our shores for jurisdictions with
more economic feedstock. The worm has turned. LNG regas terminals built to handle
expected high levels of imported natural gas have become white elephants as shale gas
production has grown to over 25 Bcf/d.

The unconventional resource base is impressive; what are the prospects for export of
North American gas on a large scale? Richard Tucker will examine drivers for North
American LNG liquefaction and export, including resource availability, expected supply
costs and arbitrage opportunities.

Location: Petroleum Club
800 Bell Street, #4300
Houston , TX 77002

Date: Sept. 20, 2012, 11:30 a.m. - Sept. 20, 2012, 1 p.m.