Come join the SPE Young Professionals group at Ladybirds off Washington Ave. for our November social and networking event! We will have appetizers and drinks to enjoy!
Ladybird's Bar
5519 Allen Street
Houston, Texas 77007
United States of America
Come join the SPE Young Professionals group at Ladybirds off Washington Ave. for our November social and networking event! We will have appetizers and drinks to enjoy!
YP Networking Commitee
Thu, Nov. 17, 2022
5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
(GMT-0500) US/Central
Ladybird's Bar
5519 Allen Street
Houston, Texas 77007
United States of America
Come join the SPE Young Professionals group at Ladybirds off Washington Ave. for our November social and networking event! We will have appetizers and drinks to enjoy!