When creating an event on the SPEGCS website, an administrator has the option to display the event attendants to everyone, users only, members only or admin only.

IF the event is set for everyone to view attendees, then you will be able to view registrants.  If not, please contact the program manager or someone with adminstrative rights for the event in question. 


To get a head count of attendees for an upcoming event please follow the instructions below:


1.  You can view attendees without logging in to the website.  If you have administrative permissions on the site or not, you can get a current headcount of an event.

2.  Go to the Event you wish to view:  Example:  http://www.spegcs.org/events/2180/

3.  On the event page, you will see a small mini-navigation over the event title:




4.  Click the "EVENTS" navigation item and an expanded menu option for events will drop down.  Click the "VIEW ATTENDEES" option.




5.  You should now see a list of attendees and a registration count for this event:
